Hello again,
friend of a friend...

24 - White/Belgian- Lesbian - Cosplayer & ArtstudentFixations <3:
-Death Note
-Hunter x Hunter
-Horror JRPGs (Yume Nikki, Ib...)
-Breath Of The Wild
-New Wave
-Nu Metal
-Kpop (NCT, Loona)
-Sea creatures
-Art restoration/history/philosophy
-Martial arts


- The usual (LGBTphobia, racism...) DNI
- You're under 16
- You engage in fanwars unironically
- I mostly tweet about just one fixation for weeks until I completely shift gears
-I do not touch pro and anti discourse with a 10 foot pole.In general I believe teens (anyone really) is allowed to feel uncomfortable with what you post and tell likeminded individuals about it. However I have been in fandomspaces for so long that I am pretty desensitised to a lot of things (for better or for worse...) so I might not pick up on these things or just have different boundaries.Feel free to let me know, but do not assume I will drop friends I genuinely trust over fictional arguments especially regarding characters I don't even know (I will over IRL offenses of course...)!- I do not think yaoi and fujoshis are a genuine social issue sorry lol(I am not one but I do engage in shipping culture and a lot of those are m/m)- I am ND but I don't often use tone indicators, but if we speak in dm's and you need specific indicators I will gladly put in the effort.CONTENT WARNINGS
- I occasionally speak about my experiences with ocd, autism and adhd, I do not do this often though.
- I post my pet lizard occasionally!-Maybe important: South Park was one of my first ever special interests, while I am critical of it (I am a leftist) and try to not promote it much I won't lie about the fact that it does bring me joy as well, if you are uncomfortable with that feel free to not interact!


I go IA sometimes due to college on all of these but...My private is @milfwarfare